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Student Recognition

Students signing letters of intent to various colleges and universities

Dickerson, Perkins, McReynolds, and Rouse sign National Letter of Intent.

February 01, 2023

On Wednesday, February 1, 2023, we celebrated not one, not two, not three, but FOUR student-athletes from Putnam County High School who signed their National Letter of Intent at various colleges and universities.

Our signings took place in the high school library and the new backdrop and tablecloth were provided by the Putnam County Booster Club.

Family, friends, coaches, and teammates joined in the celebration of our student-athletes.

Our event began at noon with Adeline Dickerson signing with Missouri Valley College as a Valley Viking for Track and Field. Her college coaches were able to be in attendance as well.

At 12:30 pm, Blaine Perkins signed with the University of Wisconsin- Platteville to continue his football career as a Pioneer. Blaine is pictured with his family, coaches, friends, and teammates.

Brayden McReynolds signed his NLI with William Woods University, to become an Owl and continue his baseball career. His family, friends, coaches, and teammates are pictured with him.

Jake Rouse wrapped up our event, signing his NLI with Clarke University for Track and Field. Jake will be trading his Midget apparel to become a Clarke Crusader (Lion) upon graduation. He is pictured with family, friends, coaches, and teammates.

KTVO was able to attend as well. Be looking for their interviews.

Thank you to all who were able to be in attendance today to celebrate these student-athletes! The amount of work behind the scenes is a testament to their character, determination, grit, resilience, respect, and champion mentality. We applaud you!

Photos courtesy of Haley Watt.


Caelan McGee KTVO #GRC #ValleyVikings #missourivalleycollege #clarkeuniversity #clarkecrusader #williamwoodsowls #plattevillepioneers


College Signing Day Photos by Haley Watt